Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Words for you...

Be patient toward all that is unresolved in your heart and try to live the questions themselves as if they were locked room or books written in a very foreign languege.
Do not now seek the answers, which cannot be given you because you would not be able to live them.
And the point is to live everything. Live the questions now...and perhaps then, you will gradually, without even noticing it, live your way into your answers.

Saturday, February 20, 2010



皈依佛 – 不堕地狱
皈依法 – 不堕饿鬼
皈依憎 – 不堕畜牲
皈依佛竟,皈依法竟 ,皈依憎竟。

1。 众生无边誓愿度
2。 烦恼无尽誓愿短
3。法门 无量誓愿学

这样对它每句 念三遍,念完后就对它开示。


白蚂蚁公,母,子,孙,哥,嫂,你们前辈子没修行,才会当白蚂蚁,你们都是佛弟子,你们要念佛,念阿弥陀佛,求愿往生极乐世界,才不用当白蚂蚁,不然几千年还是白蚁身。 佛在世时,看一只蚂蚁,非常痛苦,我现在念给你们,你们也跟着我念;请释迦末尼佛,阿弥陀佛,观世音菩萨,龙天护法,将这些白蚂蚁皆带出去。


Saturday, February 13, 2010

Missing My Old Time In MGSS

Everyone has gone to bed already at this hour...not sleepy so grabbed the prosperity burger from McD and sitting all alone in the living room watching Princess and The Frog, it wasnt too bad, only thing is it has so much of singing part which almost make me fall asleep....somehow, i picked up my phone and starts browsing the net. Open up facebook page and pause at the 'search' column...then a name appeared in my mind: Wendy Chan. Somehow i miss her already. I miss the time when we were working hard decorating the hall during school annual sports day. We were from Yellow house-always the wining team!*proud proud* hehe. There has a brown old grand piano in the hall where we used to play some sentimental song whenever we free and met up especially during sports day. She is very good either in academic or sports. Throughout 5 years in Mgss, she was in first class and was the MGSS's best runner in spring event...we both represented Malacca district in 100m, 200m, 4x100m and so on....and i really miss the time when we trained so hard at the back of the school's field, resting under the huge tree which has over 100 years of history. chatting and sharing thoughts. Though she was 3 years younger than me but we really can mingle round. thought so* lol...cant stand her proud 'heng' sometimes also. Being so smart in studies, so good in piano, so cool in sports, and very pretty some more...of course will be proud a lil right?hah... hope u dont read this!lol you're so perfect to me! and im very proud of you. no doubt. In year 2003 after i left MGSS in form 5, we hardly keep in touch already till oneday when my male friend in form 6 asked me bout the god sister wendy, then only by that we starts keeping up a lil and glad that trough facebook i can know if your doin good by viewing at your photos...

Wendy and I-MGSS Sports Day 2003

Wendy and our senior (on the left side is Wendy's cousin, Sheerena Thein-wearin cap)

Athletic Chaptain of MGSS in Year 2003

Me-very dark uh?

MGSS Girl Guides

Me and my partner in 4x100m event
Michelle Teoh, Shereena, Me and god sis,Grace in Year 2001
Never forget to mention Grace, my good and favourite friend, lil god sister. lol she can sing pretty good in RAP song! R&B...whatever she is real cool. Michelle is another leng lui in MGSS, most of the MGSSian couldnt speaked very well in mandarin as they were brought up in Eng edu, so thats also the only time we were force to speak in english and you'll get used to it when people laugh at your wrong spoken one or your wrong pronunciation or grammer or whatever and correct it for you. Its embarrassing but somehow you learn and dare not repeat it again. Some of'em even laugh at you so loud like nobody's business. darn!haha...its just some memories of mine back in MGSS.

Thursday, February 4, 2010


TOok a long nap this afternoon. I dream of a person, the one very close to me, no idea why u appeared in my dream,never thought of you before i sleep as we were too close.....from the moment i fall asleep till the moment i wake, the entire story was all bout me and you. haha...that was funny. my table and bed in the dorm was shift back to the old place which i do not really like it.(It moved itself). When i open the door, find it has another one to open and then i saw a place where it is completely strange, and i shut then open again, there go another pull me out and said lets see whats the place look like, then we there were 3 of us...and suddenly you hold my hand, not a tight one but you trying hard not to let it go...we were all alone now and clinging to each other, very sweet....and we went into a museum...its iron bridge museum how cool!...then you kept holding my hand as we walked, its embarrassing but you seems ok with it...and its so warm, my fingers were all freezing. Then we returned to the door, back to the dorm, and i was studying now, you were besides me...and i fall asleep again, you lean your head towards mine, we were so close that i can hear you were listening to Doin' Just Fine.

p.s.: It was so sad that you weren't that thoughtful and sweet in real. In fact, you were too cold towards me that we can hardly have a conversation.

Wish could have that Magic door.

Your the One

Simple and the front kitchen?feng shui said its gonna be at the back one so renovate it! lol
Gonna have U in NO time! ouh...a L shape garage can be constructed at the side, must be awesome then! hehe